
Submit to Fiction Fix

We are now accepting fiction, artwork, graphic literature & sequential art. 

Submission Schedule
Note: Fiction Fix is an online-only journal

     Fall 2011
Fiction Issue: Submit by August 1, 2011

     Spring 2012
     Sequential Art/Graphic Literature Issuewith guest editor Russell Turney.  Submit by February 1, 2012.


Please use our submission manager for all submissions.  Please include author’s/artist’s name, email address, and phone number.  All short fiction, short short fiction, and novel excerpts are considered for publication. We don’t currently have a strict cap on the number of pages, but it is uncommon for us to accept stories that are over 35 pages.

We accept artwork of all kinds, including paintings, photographs, digital and mixed media art, and etc. We recommend looking at past issues to get a feel for the artwork that fits Fiction Fix.  Please include up to ten images, preferably submitted in 1 PDF file. Please note that we cannot review artist’s websites to select images from a large body of work.  We ask that artists send a specific set of images that they feel will cohere well within a literary journal and represent their artistic vision.

We are honored to receive your work, and try diligently to respond within a 3 month period.  After that time, you are welcome to query  [email protected].  We accept simultaneous submissions.  Please send no more than 2 stories per author at a time.

Please note, all stories and artwork should be submitted via the submission manager; submissions received in other ways cannot be reviewed.


Editor’s Choice and Readers’ Choice Award winners are nominated for the Pushcart Prize and for inclusion in The Best American Short Stories (as long as they meet all criteria for nomination), as well as Best of the Net and Best of the Web awards, and other awards.

The Gypsy Sachet Award in Letters & Autobiography
No one knows better than writers how grueling a task it can be to write a cover letter and biography to attach to your story submissions.  And certainly no one knows just how enjoyable these collateral submission materials can sometimes be than the staff of a literary journal.  Fiction Fix recognizes particularly creative, beautiful, funny, and poetic letter & biography submissions with this new and unique award.  Gypsy Sachet Award winners are published in our Fall Fiction issues.  All submission cover letters & bios are considered for the award (no extra submission is needed) though authors and artists are welcome to opt-out.  There is no specific word count — we’re interested in your one line or one page, etc., letters & bios.  Please note that winning the Gypsy Sachet Award does not imply acceptance or rejection of the main submission.

Commissioned Art Piece

Issue 6 of Fiction Fix included a commissioned work by artist Melissa Bryant of the Fiction Fix staff members as chairs (left).  We’re seeking submissions of representative artworks for a new commissioned piece.  The winning artist will receive publication in an upcoming issue of Fiction Fix and on our website, and an honorary award of $50, and will produce an original artwork including 6 members of the Fiction Fix team.  Please send up to 3 representative works along with a description of the work you will produce.  We’re open to any and all mediums of artwork (except for photography) and are particularly open to transmutations. Some things we like: bunnies, mustaches.

Notice on copyright: The Artist maintains copyright of the work.  The Artist grants Fiction Fix irrevocable rights to reproduce the artwork for non-commercial purposes such as, but not limited to, including the artwork in any of our online or print issues, and in promotional materials such as flyers and media publicity materials.


Fiction Fix requests first-time, non-exclusive web and print rights and anthology rights. All rights revert to the author upon publication.