
Fiction Fix thanks those who have supported the journal throughout its history!

Kathleen Hassall
Pam Hnyla
Leslie Kaplan
Sue Kraegel
Eileen Maguire
Barbara Roberts
Russ Turney 

Special thanks to Advisor:

Mark Ari

to past editors-in-chief:

Sarah Cotchaleovich
Melissa Milburn
Thelma Young

and all past and current editors and staff:

Jessica Bayne
Daniel Bearl
Ann Marie Byrd
Sarah Clarke-Stuart
Kathryn Denton
Thomas Eadie
Myrah Fisher
Jeff Geloneck
Paige Goode
JJ Grindstaff
Walter Hawkins
April Hutchinson
Laura Hyman
Derek Des Islets
Grant Kittrell
Gavin Lambert
Deborah Lancaster
Benjamin Liff
Darren Longley
Shannon McLeish
Mary Mezzano
Robert Orndorff
Alex Pucher
Chrissy Rand
Ken Rebello
Joanna Ring
Blair Romain
Alan Shaw
Heather Stafford
Liz Valentine
Laura Vigen
Vanessa Wells
Ben Wolfson
Sara Yates